European Product Design Award

European Product Design Award

A terrific event!

Attention to the manufacturers of furniture, toys, electronics, bicycles, road and not only accessories, kitchen utensils, light equipment, developers of learning platforms, children’s goods, home furnishings, handmade toys, board games, wooden toys, equipment for recycling and energy saving, packaging, as well as, event designers, florists, wedding service providers and much more!

The Registration for the European Product Design Award is still open! 

The Product Design Award recognizes the efforts of talented designers and design teams who aim to improve our daily lives with a practical and beautiful creation, designed to solve a problem, make life easier or simply spread joy.

You can get acquainted with the categories of the award here.

The competition is open to anyone over the age of 18 who lives anywhere in the world. Professional work will be evaluated among other professional, and student – among other students.

Works can be submitted as conceptual projects under development or as a completed project. The only restriction is that applications or completed projects must not be older than 5 years. Applications can be submitted by both a professional and a student.

The judging criteria include the following:

  • Innovation — does the product provide something new to the market or supplement/improve an existing product?
  • Aesthetics — form, shape, colour, texture, finishing, the material used, etc.
  • Functionality — ease of use, safety, maintenance, etc.
  • Ergonomics — the product’s interaction with the user
  • Durability — the quality and longevity of the design
  • Impact — the benefit delivered to the user and/or society by the product
  • Utility — does the product meet the intended purpose and needs of the user?
  • Ecological compatibility — potential environmental and/or ecological impact
  • The reality of production — how realistic is it, technically and economically, to develop and market this product large-scale?
  • Emotional quotient — in addition to fulfilling its practical purpose, does the product create a sense of enjoyment, satisfaction?

Ukrainians have already won these prestigious awards. Ukrainian architects Roman and Dmytro Selyuky received recognition with their table “Rosette” in 2020.

Don’t delay, and submit your products to world recognition!

The deadline is on 30-th of May.

The deadline has been postponed until the 30th of June.

Examples of the winners:

Water cup 2 in 1: for water and a palette of paints. The cup is equipped with a suction bottom, which holds the cup firmly on the table to avoid accidental spillage of water.
A product that is 100% recyclable.

A smart garden with software that allows everyone to grow fresh herbs.

Мінімалистична вішалка для тканини, виготовлена для захисту предметів одягу на шиї та фіксованих комірах. Вішалка, що складається з двох дерев’яних паличок, що з’єднуються між собою, легко ковзає всередину будь-якої шийки одягу, не розтягуючи її.

The minimalist hanger is made for protection of clothes on fixed collars. The hanger, which consists of two wooden sticks connected to each other, easily slides inside any neck of the garment without stretching it.

Product Design Award, DNA Paris Design Awards 2020

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