EUR 200,000 grant to support trade-related academic activities

UPD:The application deadline has been extended to 15 February 2021

The WTO is seeking applications from academic institutions around the world for a new phase of the WTO Chairs Program, which aims to support trade-related academic activities. Universities and research institutions in developing countries, least-developed countries, recently acceded WTO members and acceding governments are invited to submit their applications.

The application form for academic institutions is available here. Applications from least-developed countries and regions currently lacking representation in the program are particularly encouraged.

The Chairs Programme provides dedicated support to beneficiary institutions in priority areas related to trade policy, international trade, international relations and international economic law.

Chair-holders will be chosen through a competitive selection process organized by the WTO Secretariat and the programme’s Advisory Board. The criteria to be used include:

  • potential for developing capacities at the host institution
  • relevance of research topics in relation to trade policy and WTO-related issues
  • quality of research proposals
  • expected results with respect to the offering of new and updated courses
  • potential for interaction with policy-making institutions (such as government departments)
  • expected results with respect to networking with other academic institutions
  • strategy for future human and financial sustainability
  • potential for maintaining a team of critical mass in the host institution to collaborate in chair-holder activities. 

More information is available here.

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